Christ Congregational Church

Reverse Advent Calendar

Reverse Advent Calendar

At this time of year, when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, let us remember that he, Mary, and Joseph were refugees.  Let us welcome the immigrants and refugees in our midst, as we prepare the way for our Lord Jesus Christ during Advent. Because of COVID-19 many area households do not have enough money for food, diapers, and other essentials, and local food pantries are stretched thin because of increased demand. Throughout Advent, the Immigration Circle is asking CCC members to follow a Reverse Advent Calendar for Food Justice DMV. This collective serves a large immigrant and marginalized – yet powerful – population struggling with the effects of the pandemic and resettlement.

Each day in Advent, please add the largest size possible of the requested items below to your Reverse Advent Calendar box, which you can bring to CCC on December 27th, 28th and 29th from 9am to noon. Whenever possible, please choose sustainably-made products.

December 1–Maseca (corn) flour 

December 2–Bagged beans (red and black)

December 3–White Rice

December 4–Cooking oil

December 5–Diapers (size 5+)

December 6–Baby wipes (scent-free)

December 7–Baby Formula (blue formula–Similac pro-advance or generic equivalent, orange formula–Similac sensitive or generic equivalent, Nido for infants, Nido Kinder 1-3)

December 8–Maseca (corn) flour

December 9–Bagged beans (red and black)

December 10—Can opener

December 11–Sanitary pads (heavy flow)

December 12–Tylenol or Ibuprofen (children and adults)

December 13 — Re-usable water bottles (not disposable)

December 14–Bars/bottles of soap

December 15–Shampoo

December 16–Toothpaste

December 17–Laundry detergent

December 18–Dish soap

December 19–Toilet Paper

December 20–Facemasks

December 21–Blankets (new or gently used)

December 22–Maseca (corn flour)

December 23–White Rice

December 24—Canned tuna

December 25–Gift cards (Aldi, H-Mart, Megamart, Giant, and Target preferred)

You can also make a financial donation in the following ways: