Christ Congregational Church

Deacons Fund

Deacons Fund

Pairing Communion and the Deacons Fund

The Deacons Fund is a separate fund from the Unified Budget. It is used to support members of the church in times of financial need and is dispersed at the discretion of the senior minister. A portion ($250 each month) is sent to Ministries United of Silver Spring – Takoma Park (MUSST) to help prevent residential evictions and utility cutoffs in the downtown Silver Spring and Takoma Park communities, and for lifesaving prescription assistance for individuals. Sue Dollins is the CCC’s representative to MUSST, which is made up of a coalition of the downtown churches. Feel free to contact Sue for more information.

Contributions to this fund has been down as a result of worshiping virtually, so this is a plea to help sustain this fund for now and for future months. Please consider each Communion Sunday as a reminder to support this fund. The yellow envelopes marked Deacons Fund are in the pew racks, or you may write “Deacons” on the memo line of your check. For the online giving platforms of Vanco or Breeze, there is an option for the Deacons Fund, in addition to the unified budget.